The Best Tips for Career Transition

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5 Tips for Successful Career Transition

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Whether you have a job or are unemployed, looking for a new career can be stressful. These career transition tips can help you succeed. You must have a solid plan to find perfect job opportunities to succeed. Your plan must fit your career goals, but makes financial sense! If you need a financial coach, now would be a great time to brush up on your financial plan.

Tip 1: Informational Interviews

Researching what you want is one of the first steps to a successful career transition. For starters, I always recommend contacting someone in that field and asking them for an “informational interview”. Ask them about the role’s typical day, week, month, or year.

An informational interview typically lasts about 30 – 60 mins. Ideally, schedule a call with someone in your network or LinkedIn. Have your questions ready! You will be surprised by what information you can find about careers while building your network.

Tip 2: Tailor Your Resume to the Job or Field You Want

Once you find a job or career path, update and tailor your resume and cover letter. A cover letter could set you apart from your competition. When firms use automated systems to review resumes, the cover letter could also give you an advantage in the scoring.

A quality cover letter allows you to highlight your writing skills and ability to communicate. What better way to highlight your writing skills than an outstanding cover letter? If you don’t believe me, see what Warren Buffett said about the importance of writing skills.

Tip 3: Search Google for “Career Fairs Near Me”

According to a New York Times article and the pain I felt filling up last time, gas prices are at an all-time high – with the average price per gallon at approximately $5.00 a gallon. By searching for local opportunities and “career fairs near me”, you are more likely to find opportunities near your home. Ideally, you can find a remote work opportunity, depending on the field. 

I ran a quick Google search in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and an extensive list of career fairs sorted by date are scheduled over the next several months. In addition to searching Google, I found HireX has a specific search for virtual and other job fairs by city and state. There are many opportunities here in South Florida and probably the same for your area.

Tip 4: “Career Staffing” Agencies Can Help

Another resource to help in your job search is to contact career staffing companies. Staffing companies typically are looking to fill part-time, temporary, and/or summer jobs, but there may be opportunities for these roles to turn into full-time positions. 

Some of the more well-known staffing firms can be found in the article “The 7 best temp agencies in 2022” on Working as a temporary employee, especially if it is a field you’re interested in, is a great way to expand your network and gain valuable experience in the field.

Tip 5: Upgrade your Skills and Qualifications

Searching for a new career or job is a marathon, not a sprint. Part of the process may involve acquiring new skills or training. It has never been easier to beef up your resume. Many online courses and certificate programs are available with a simple Google search. 

Google Career Certificates are great options for beefing up your credentials and starting a career transition; plus, they are affordable. According to Google’s FAQs, a Coursera subscription is required, and some certificates can be completed in 6 months at less than $300 and 100% online.

About Mike Greco MBA

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Mike Greco MBA is a business, finance, and technology website.

Learn more about site founder Mike Greco and his recent eBook – The Debt Free Journey.

Mike is an AI enthusiast and publisher of AI Insights, a LinkedIn Newsletter.

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