How to Save Money Buying Bulk Frozen Hamburger Patties!


Hamburgers on table

In today’s fast-paced world, finding ways to save both time and money in the kitchen is a priority for many families. One savvy solution? Save money buying bulk frozen hamburger patties and meats. Not only can buying in bulk be a time-saver, but it can also lead to significant cost savings over time. 

In this article, I’ll explore the benefits of purchasing frozen hamburger patties in bulk, how to store them properly to prevent waste, and where to find additional resources to make the most of this money-saving strategy.

With recent news noting that US households’ excess savings is plummeting, what better way to save money and eat burgers!

What Percentage of Family Budgets Are Spent on Meats?

Over the past five years, the cost of meats as a percentage of a monthly family budget has experienced noticeable fluctuations. In 2018, meat accounted for approximately 10-12% of the average family’s monthly expenses. However, by 2020, this figure saw a notable increase, reaching around 14-16% of the budget. The surge was primarily attributed to disruptions in the meat supply chain caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Shutdowns of processing plants and logistical challenges led to temporary shortages, causing prices to spike. Families were met with higher costs for beef, pork, and poultry products during this period.

As the global situation gradually stabilized and supply chains adapted, the cost of meats began to gradually normalize in 2021. By the end of that year, meat constituted approximately 11-13% of the monthly family budget. This decline in percentage can be attributed to the improved functioning of the supply chain and increased production levels. However, it’s worth noting that while prices did recover from the peak observed in 2020, they remained somewhat elevated compared to pre-pandemic levels.

In 2022, the cost of meat as a percentage of the monthly family budget remained relatively steady, hovering around 11-13%. This stability indicated a sustained recovery in the meat market and a continued adaptation to the new post-pandemic norms. It’s important to recognize that various factors can influence these figures, including shifts in global demand, weather-related challenges affecting agricultural production, and economic policy changes. Keeping an eye on these trends can help families effectively manage their food budgets in the face of potential fluctuations in the cost of meats.

Benefits of Buying Hamburger Patties and Meats in Bulk

Buying meats and/or frozen hamburger patties in bulk offers a range of advantages that can benefit both your wallet and your schedule. 

Let’s take a closer look at why this strategy is worth considering:

Lower Unit Price: You often get a lower unit price. This means that you pay less per pound or kilogram compared to buying smaller portions. For instance, purchasing a whole chicken or a quarter of a cow can be more economical than buying individual cuts.

Avoiding Retail Markup: When you buy meat from a grocery store, the price typically includes a markup to cover overhead costs. By purchasing directly from a butcher or a wholesale supplier, you can bypass this markup and enjoy more competitive prices.

Volume Discounts: Discounts for buying in larger quantities. For example, a butcher might offer a discount if you purchase a certain weight of ground beef or a specific number of chicken breasts.

Customization Options: Opportunity to customize your order. This means you can request specific cuts, trimmings, or packaging options, allowing you to get exactly what you need at a lower price.

Reduced Trips to the Store: Fewer trips to the grocery store, which can lead to savings in transportation costs and also reduce the likelihood of impulse purchases. This is especially beneficial for families living farther from stores or those with busy schedules.

Freezer-Friendly Storage: Properly storing bulk meat can prevent waste and extend its shelf life. Investing in a quality freezer and using airtight packaging can help keep your meat fresh for an extended period.

Opportunity for Meal Prepping: You can plan and prepare meals in advance. This not only saves time but also helps prevent the need for expensive last-minute dining options.

Strategic Purchases

By strategically purchasing meat in bulk, families can see significant reductions in their overall food expenses without sacrificing quality or variety in their meals. It’s important, however, to ensure that you have sufficient freezer space and the means to properly store and manage your bulk purchases.

For more detailed information and tips AARP has a great article – Beat Inflation by Buying in Bulk.

Potential Cost Savings for Typical Family Purchasing Bulk Meats

The potential cost savings for a typical family purchasing bulk meats and hamburger patties on a monthly and yearly basis can be quite substantial. Let’s break down the potential savings:

The potential annual savings for a typical family purchasing bulk meats and/or hamburger patties is substantial. For example, by taking advantage of volume discounts, This can lead to considerable savings over the course of a year. For example, if you save $1 per pound by buying in bulk and purchase 20 pounds of meat each month, that’s a potential savings of $240 in a year.

The exact savings will depend on factors like family size, dietary preferences, and the availability of storage space. It’s essential to compare prices and consider factors like transportation costs and storage before making bulk purchases.

Where Are Bulk Frozen Hamburger Patties Sold?

Wholesale Clubs (e.g., Costco, Sam’s Club): Wholesale clubs are excellent places to find bulk quantities of meats at competitive prices. They often offer a wide selection of cuts and products, including hamburger patties and various types of steak. You can also find deals on larger packages that can provide substantial savings. I do 95% of my grocery shopping at Sam’s Club!

Local Butcher Shops: Many local butcher shops offer the option to purchase meats in bulk. They often have a wide range of cuts available, including high-quality steaks and custom-made hamburger patties. Additionally, you may have the opportunity to discuss specific preferences and get personalized recommendations.

Online Retailers (e.g., Omaha Steaks, ButcherBox, or even Amazon): Online retailers have become a convenient option for purchasing meats in bulk. Platforms like Omaha Steaks offer a variety of options for ordering meats and having them delivered directly to your doorstep. For example on Omaha Steaks, you can order Private Reserve Angus Burgers in 6 – 24 packs. This can be particularly helpful for those who may not have easy access to local wholesale clubs or butcher shops.

Omaha steaks hamburger

Farmers’ Markets and Local Farms: Some farmers’ markets and local farms offer the option to buy meat in bulk directly from the source. This can be a great way to support local agriculture while also getting high-quality, freshly sourced cuts of meat.

Specialty Meat Stores: Some specialty meat stores specialize in providing high-quality cuts and may offer bulk purchasing options. While they may not always have the same variety as larger retailers, they often provide premium cuts and personalized service.

Online Meat Subscription Services: There are subscription services like Crowd Cow, which allow you to purchase specific cuts or curated boxes of meat on a regular basis. This option provides convenience and quality, often with a focus on sustainable and ethically sourced meats.

Remember to compare prices, quality, and available cuts at different sources to find the best option for your preferences and budget. Additionally, consider factors like location, delivery options, and any specific dietary preferences or requirements you may have.

How to Properly Store Bulk Frozen Hamburger Patties?

To maximize the benefits of buying in bulk, it’s crucial to store your frozen hamburger patties properly. Here are some tips to ensure they stay fresh and delicious:

Airtight Packaging:

When you purchase bulk frozen patties, they often come in airtight packaging. If not, consider repackaging them in airtight containers or freezer bags. This prevents freezer burn and preserves the taste and texture of the patties.

Labeling and Dating:

To keep track of freshness, label each package with the date of purchase. Frozen hamburger patties typically remain good for several months, but it’s best to use them within that timeframe for optimal quality.

Freezer Placement:

Store your bulk frozen patties toward the back of the freezer, where temperatures are most stable. Avoid frequent opening of the freezer door to prevent temperature fluctuations that can lead to freezer burn.

For more detailed information on proper storage techniques, consult this guide from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


Buying bulk frozen hamburger patties is a smart way to save money while enjoying the convenience of having delicious meals at your fingertips. With proper storage and savvy shopping, you can make the most of this cost-effective strategy. Start by exploring your local options and online retailers, and always remember to store your patties correctly to prevent waste and maintain their quality. By doing so, you’ll have more time and resources to enjoy the things that matter most to you.

Question and Answers (Q&A)

Q1: How long can I store frozen hamburger patties?

A1: Frozen hamburger patties can typically be stored for several months. However, for the best quality, try to use them within three to six months.

Q2: Can I freeze homemade hamburger patties in bulk?

A2: Yes, you can freeze homemade patties in bulk. Simply shape the patties, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and freeze until firm. Then, transfer them to an airtight container or freezer bags, separating them with wax paper to prevent sticking.

Q3: Are frozen hamburger patties less flavorful than fresh ones?

A3: While fresh patties can have a slight edge in flavor, properly stored and cooked frozen patties can still be delicious and convenient. Seasoning and cooking techniques play a significant role in taste.

Liv Pur Supplements

Q4: Are there any disadvantages to buying bulk frozen hamburger patties?

A4: One potential drawback is the need for freezer space. Additionally, if not stored properly, freezer burn can affect the quality of the patties. However, these issues can be easily managed with proper planning and storage techniques.

About Mike Greco MBA

Mike Greco MBA is a website focused on business, finance and technology.

Learn more about site founder Mike Greco and his recent eBook – The Debt Free Journey.

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