How to Find Remote WordPress Jobs?

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In today’s digital age, remote work has become more accessible than ever, and if you have WordPress expertise, numerous opportunities await you. Whether you’re a developer, designer, content creator, or digital marketer, the demand for WordPress skills is high.

In this article, I’ll guide you through how to find remote WordPress jobs. I will also provide resources for training and outline the various types of roles available.

Where to Start

To kickstart your journey in finding remote WordPress jobs, explore reputable job boards and platforms dedicated to remote work. Websites like, We Work Remotely, Upwork, and Freelancer hosts many opportunities for companies seeking WordPress experts to work remotely.

In addition to these websites, you can network with other WordPress professionals on social media and online forums. Attending WordPress conferences and meetups is another excellent way to meet potential employers and learn about new job opportunities.

You can find a remote WordPress job that fits your skills and interests with little effort.

Here are links to resources to start your search:

  2. We Work Remotely
  3. Upwork
  4. Freelancer

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Training for Success

The remote WordPress job market is competitive, so investing in further training is essential to stand out. Many websites offer courses on WordPress development, design, content creation, SEO, and more. These resources can help you develop your skills to excel in your chosen role. Here are a few websites that offer WordPress training:

Linkedin Learning Image

LinkedIn Learning has over 60 WordPress courses. I recently joined LinkedIn Premium, which comes with access to these courses.

These websites offer a variety of courses at different levels of difficulty, so you can find one that’s right for you. You can also find free resources online, such as tutorials and blog posts.

Investing in your training is a great way to improve your skills and increase your chances of getting a remote WordPress job.

Types of Remote WordPress Jobs

Now, let’s delve into the various types of roles you can pursue:

  1. WordPress Developer: As a developer, you’ll focus on coding, customizing, and maintaining WordPress websites. You’ll work on themes, plugins, and site functionalities. Learn more about WordPress development here at WPBeginner.
  2. WordPress Designer: Designers are responsible for the visual aspects of a WordPress site, including layout, graphics, and user experience.
  3. Content Manager: Content managers create, organize, and optimize content on WordPress websites. For more information about content management, here is a great article titled: What is a Content Management System and How to Chose the Best CMS for Your Needs.
  4. SEO and Digital Marketing Specialist: These professionals optimize WordPress sites for search engines, manage online advertising, and implement digital marketing strategies.

Learn about WordPress SEO here in Moz’s Beginner’s Guide to SEO.

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Finding the best remote WordPress job is within your reach. With the proper training and resources, you can excel in various roles, from development to content management. Explore reputable job boards, invest in training, and showcase your skills to secure your dream remote WordPress job.

Questions and Answers

Q: How can I improve my chances of getting hired?

A: To increase your chances, focus on building a solid portfolio, stay updated with the latest WordPress trends, and consider networking on platforms like LinkedIn. A great place to keep up with the latest news and trends is

Q: Are there part-time remote WordPress jobs available?

A: Yes, many companies offer part-time remote positions for WordPress experts. Check job boards for listings that specify part-time or freelance opportunities.

Q: What skills are essential?

A: Important skills include proficiency in HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, knowledge of WordPress plugins and themes, SEO, and excellent problem-solving abilities.

About Mike Greco MBA

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Mike Greco MBA is a business, finance, and technology website.

Learn more about site founder Mike Greco and his recent eBook – The Debt Free Journey.

Mike is an AI enthusiast and publisher of AI Insights, a LinkedIn Newsletter.

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