99designs vs Fiverr: What is the Best?

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In today’s gig economy, platforms like 99designs and Fiverr offer opportunities for both freelancers and businesses to connect and collaborate. Whether you’re a designer, writer, marketer, or creative professional, these platforms can be a gateway to a world of freelance opportunities. But how do you choose between them? In this article, I’ll compare 99designs vs Fiverr to help you make an informed decision.

Key Differences

99designs is a platform that connects businesses with freelance designers. Companies can post design contests on the platform, and designers can submit their work for consideration. The firm then chooses the winning design, paying the designer for their work. 

Fiverr is a similar platform offering a more comprehensive range of services, including writing, marketing, programming, and more. Freelancers on Fiverr create “gigs,” which are service listings that potential clients can browse and hire. Gigs typically have a price, and freelancers can set their rates.

Here are some of the key differences between 99designs and Fiverr:

  • 99designs primarily focuses on design services, while Fiverr offers a broader range of services.
  • 99designs uses a contest-based model, while Fiverr uses a gig-based model.
  • 99designs typically have higher prices than Fiverr.
  • 99designs is more selective about the designers who can participate on its platform, while Fiverr is more open to all freelancers.

Which platform is right for you depends on your needs and budget. If you’re looking for high-quality design work, 99designs may be a good option. If you’re looking for a broader range of services at a lower price, Fiverr may be a better choice.

Pricing and Payment

99 Designs Logo

99 Designs

  • Pricing is higher due to the competitive nature of design contests.
  • Clients pay a fixed price based on their chosen design.
  • The design process can be lengthy, as clients may need to review multiple designs before making a final decision.
  • Clients have less control over the design process, as they are not directly working with the designer.


  • Offers various pricing options, from budget-friendly gigs to premium services.
  • Payments are typically made per project or hour, depending on the freelancer’s preference.
  • Clients have more control over the design process as they work directly with the designer.
  • The design process can be shorter, as clients can work directly with the designer to create the desired design.

Ultimately, the best platform for a client will depend on their needs and preferences.

Pros and Cons



High-Quality Designs: 99designs is renowned for attracting top-notch designers. The design contest format ensures clients receive various high-quality design options.

Customization: The platform lets clients provide detailed briefs, ensuring designers understand their vision. This leads to tailored designs that align closely with the client’s requirements.

Reduced Risk: With a design contest, clients can review multiple concepts before deciding. This reduces the risk of dissatisfaction with the result.


Potentially Higher Costs: The competitive nature of design contests can lead to higher pricing. Clients need to be prepared for potentially higher costs compared to other platforms.

Limited Revisions: Design contests may limit the number of revisions allowed. This can be a drawback if the client requires extensive changes or fine-tuning.

Less Direct Communication: The format of 99designs, focusing on contests, can result in less direct communication between clients and designers than other platforms.



Diverse Skill Set: Fiverr offers numerous services across numerous categories. This means clients can find freelancers for various tasks beyond design, including writing, marketing, programming, and more.

Flexible Pricing: Fiverr accommodates various budgets. Clients can find services ranging from budget-friendly to premium, providing flexibility in terms of pricing.

Direct Communication: Fiverr allows clients to communicate directly with freelancers. This facilitates collaboration and ensures the client’s vision is well-understood and executed.


Varied Quality: Due to the broad range of services and freelancers, the quality of work on Fiverr can vary. While there are highly skilled professionals, there may also be less experienced individuals offering services.

Potential for Miscommunication: With direct communication, there is a potential for misinterpretation or miscommunication. Both parties need to be clear in their communication.

Time Investment in Vetting Freelancers: Clients may need to review profiles, portfolios, and reviews to ensure they choose a freelancer with the right skills and experience.

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Ultimately, the choice between 99designs and Fiverr depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you’re looking for top-quality, custom designs and are willing to invest in a design contest, 99designs might be the right choice. On the other hand, if you’re seeking a wide range of services at varying price points and value more direct communication with freelancers, Fiverr could be the better option.

Questions and Answers

Q: How do I get started on 99designs or Fiverr?

A: To get started, create an account on the platform of your choice. Browse through available gigs or contests, and either hire a freelancer or submit your project details.

Q: What if I want more than the work on 99designs or Fiverr?

A: Both platforms have dispute resolution systems in place. You can communicate your concerns to the platform, and they will work to find a resolution.

Q: Can I work on multiple projects simultaneously on 99designs or Fiverr?

A: As a freelancer, you can take on multiple projects simultaneously. However, make sure you can manage your time effectively to meet deadlines.

Q: How do I receive payments for my work?

A: 99designs and Fiverr both have secure payment systems. Once the client approves the work, the funds are transferred to your account, and you can withdraw them according to the platform’s payment policies.

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