What to Do with Old Laptop: Easy Solutions for a Fresh Start

Fixing an old laptop

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As technology advances, our trusty laptops can show signs of age. But before you toss it aside, there are plenty of ways to give your old laptop a new lease on life. In this article, I’ll explore practical options to repurpose your old laptop, saving money and resources. One of the most effective methods is to switch to a Linux operating system like Ubuntu, which can breathe new life into your aging machine. Let’s dive in!

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Revive Your Laptop with Linux Ubuntu

Is your old laptop struggling to keep up with modern software? Consider installing a Linux operating system, like Ubuntu. Linux is known for being lightweight and efficient, making it an excellent choice for older hardware. The Ubuntu distribution, in particular, is user-friendly and well-supported, making it a seamless transition for most users. You can find step-by-step guides on how to install Ubuntu here. This will give your laptop a speed boost and means you won’t have to spend money on a new computer just yet.

Additional Resources for Linux Installation

I recommend installing Ubuntu as this is my Linux distro, although Mint and Fedora are also great options.

Linux Ubuntu Installation Guide 

Linux Mint Installation Guide

Fedora Installation Documentation

Upgrade Hardware for Improved Performance

If your laptop is still struggling after the operating system upgrade, consider upgrading its hardware. Increasing the RAM or swapping out the hard drive for a solid-state drive (SSD) can significantly affect performance. It’s a cost-effective way to extend the lifespan of your laptop. You can find tutorials on upgrading hardware, and PC Mag has a good article on How to Upgrade Your Laptop: A Part-by-Part Guide. 

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10 Creative Uses for Old Laptop

I have repurposed a few old laptops. I had a great experience and was amazed at how fast the computers were once I upgraded the RAM and installed Linux Ubuntu. Currently, I am using my two older laptops for additional network storage. 

One of the laptops I revived was so slow that it barely booted Windows, and I thought the hard drive died, but once I installed Ubuntu, it worked great! So don’t trash that old laptop until you try to install Linux and clear the Windows install, which you can do by booting Linux from an external thumb drive using Balena Etcher.

Below is a list of 10 creative uses for repurposing your old laptop.

Secondary Monitor

Connect your old laptop to your new computer as a secondary monitor. This can expand your screen space, making multitasking much more accessible. You can use software like Synergy or Input Director to control both systems with a single keyboard and mouse.

Media Center

Transform your old laptop into a dedicated media center. You can store and stream movies, music, and videos. Install media center software like Kodi or Plex to organize and enjoy digital content.

File Server

Use your old laptop as a file server to store and share files across your home network. Set up a cloud storage service or use FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to access your files remotely.

Home Automation Hub

Turn your old laptop into a hub for controlling smart devices in your home. Install software like Home Assistant or OpenHAB to manage your bright lights, thermostats, security cameras, and more.

Network Attached Storage

Convert your old laptop into a NAS device to centralize and back up your data. Utilize software like OpenMediaVault to set up a reliable storage solution.

Security Camera Monitor

Use your old laptop as a dedicated monitor for viewing security camera feeds. This can enhance your home security system and provide a convenient way to monitor your property.

Gaming Console Emulator

Install emulator software on your old laptop to play classic video games from platforms like NES, SNES, or Sega. With the right software and game ROMs, you can relive the nostalgia.

Testing and Development Platform

If you’re into programming or software development, use your old laptop as a testing environment. You can experiment with different coding languages and software configurations without impacting your primary system.

Remote Desktop Server

Set up your old laptop as a remote desktop server. This allows you to access your main computer from anywhere with an internet connection, providing flexibility and convenience.

Education Tool

Donate or gift your old laptop to a student, child, or someone needing a primary computing device. It can serve as a valuable educational tool for learning and completing assignments.

Remove Personal Data

Remove personal data from your old laptop before repurposing it to protect your privacy.

Additionally, ensure that the chosen repurposing option aligns with the capabilities and specifications of your old laptop.

Repurposing an old laptop extends its useful life and reduces electronic waste, making it an environmentally conscious choice.


Your old laptop still has plenty of life left in it, even if it’s not running as smoothly as it used to. You can save money and reduce electronic waste by switching to a Linux operating system like Ubuntu, upgrading hardware, or responsibly donating or recycling it. Don’t let that old laptop collect dust—give it a fresh start!

Questions and Answers

Q: Can I install Linux on any laptop?

A: In most cases, yes. Linux is compatible with a wide range of hardware. However, it’s a good idea to check the system requirements for the specific distribution you’re interested in.

Q: Will upgrading hardware void my laptop’s warranty?

A: It depends on the manufacturer and the terms of your warranty. Certain hardware upgrades may void some warranties, so it’s best to check with the manufacturer beforehand.

Q: How do I find a reputable e-waste recycling facility?

A: You can search online for e-waste recycling facilities in your area. Look for ones that are certified and follow environmentally responsible practices.

Q: Can I install Ubuntu alongside my existing operating system?

A: Ubuntu can be installed alongside your current operating system in a dual-boot configuration. This lets you choose which OS to use when starting your laptop.

About Mike Greco MBA

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Mike Greco MBA is a business, finance, and technology website.

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