Android Phone Hacked: How to Fix It

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In today’s digital age, the security of our smartphones is paramount. Discovering that your Android phone has been hacked can be alarming, but fear not, as there are steps you can take to regain control and secure your device. This guide will walk you through the process in simple, easy-to-follow steps, ensuring you can reclaim your privacy and protect your personal information.

What are Android Phones?

Android phones are mobile devices that run on the Android operating system. Developed by Google, Android is an open-source platform, meaning its source code is available for modification and enhancement by developers worldwide. This has led to a wide range of manufacturers using Android as the operating system for their smartphones.

Android phones come in various forms and cater to a diverse audience. They vary in design, features, and capabilities but share the typical Android ecosystem. This includes access to the Google Play Store, which hosts many apps, games, and other digital content.

Has Your Android Phone Been Hacked?

Detecting if your Android phone has been hacked can be challenging, as there may not always be obvious signs. However, here are some common indicators that your phone may have been compromised:

Signs You Have Been Hacked

  1. Battery Drain: If your battery drains much faster than usual, it could indicate malicious activity in the background.
  2. Unusual Data Usage: Excessive data usage, especially when not using your phone, could indicate that a malicious app is sending or receiving data.
  3. Slow Performance: If your phone suddenly becomes slower or lags, it may be due to malware or other unauthorized processes running in the background.
  4. Unexpected Pop-ups or Ads: Frequent and intrusive pop-ups or ads can indicate adware or other malicious software, even when you’re not using a web browser.
  5. Unfamiliar Apps: Check your list of installed apps. If you see apps you don’t remember downloading or can’t identify, it’s possible that a hacker installed them.
  6. Strange Text Messages or Calls: Be cautious if you receive unusual texts or calls, especially ones asking for personal information or containing suspicious links.
  7. Overheating: If your phone consistently feels excessively hot, it could be a sign that there’s a malicious process running in the background.
  8. Unusual Account Activity: If you notice unusual activity on your accounts, such as unauthorized logins or password changes, it could be a sign that your phone has been compromised.
  9. Disabled Security Features: If your phone’s security features like antivirus software, firewall, or other protections are suddenly disabled or not functioning, it could be a sign of a hack.
  10. Increased Data Usage: Sudden spikes in data usage, especially when you’re on a Wi-Fi network, could indicate a hacked device.
  11. GPS or Location Oddities: If your GPS or location services are acting erratically, it could be a sign that a third party is accessing this information.
  12. Unexpected Charges: Check your mobile bill for unexpected charges, as these could be related to premium-rate services initiated by a hacker.

If you Suspect Your Phone is Hacked

If you suspect your Android phone has been hacked, taking action quickly is crucial. Follow the steps outlined in the previous response for fixing a hacked Android phone. This includes uninstalling suspicious apps, running a security scan, and changing passwords for your accounts. If the issue persists, consider seeking professional assistance.

Check out my article, “Identity Theft Hacks: Your Easy Prevention Plan,” for more great resources on what to do if you have been hacked.

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Android Phone Hacked: How to Fix It

It is essential to secure your device and protect your personal information quickly if you think your Android phone has been hacked. 

To-Do Items: Fixing a hacked Android Phone:

Disconnect from the Internet: Turn off Wi-Fi and mobile data to prevent unauthorized access. This will help contain the damage and prevent any further compromise.

Boot into Safe Mode: Different Android devices have different methods to boot into Safe Mode. Generally, you can do this by holding the power button and then long-pressing the “Power off” option on the screen. This will allow you to reboot in Safe Mode. In Safe Mode, only essential system processes can run, which can help isolate malicious apps or functions.

Uninstall Suspicious Apps: Go to your phone’s settings and then to “Apps” or “Application Manager”. Look for any unfamiliar or suspicious apps, especially those you must remember to install. Uninstall them immediately.

Change your Passwords: This includes your phone’s lock screen password and the passwords for any online accounts you access from your phone.

Update your Security Software: Ensure your phone’s operating system and security software are current.

Install a Reputable Security App: Download and install a reputable antivirus or security app from a trusted source (such as Google Play Store) and run a full scan on your device.

Scan your Phone for Malware: Several free and paid apps can scan your phone for malware and remove any found.

Be Careful about what Apps you Install: Only install apps from trusted sources, such as the Google Play Store.

Clear Cache and Data: In the “Apps” or “Application Manager” settings, clear the cache and data for all your apps. This will remove any potentially malicious data.

Factory Reset Can Help

Factory Reset (if necessary): If you’re still experiencing issues after trying the above steps, consider doing a factory reset. This will erase all data on your device, so back up important files first.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable two-factor authentication for your important accounts. This adds an extra layer of security.

Monitor Your Accounts: Monitor your accounts for any suspicious activity. Report any unauthorized access to the respective platform immediately.

Check Device Administration Access: Go to Settings > Security > Device Administrators. Make sure there are no suspicious apps with administrator privileges. Disable them if you find any.

Be Careful About What Links You Click: Phishing attacks are a common way for hackers to access people’s phones. Be careful about clicking on links in emails or text messages, and only visit websites you trust.

Use a VPN: A VPN can help protect your privacy and security when using public Wi-Fi networks.

Back up your Data: If your phone is hacked, it is vital to have a backup of your data to restore it if necessary.

Contact Phone Manufacturer

If you still need help after taking these steps, contact your phone manufacturer or a cybersecurity expert for help.

Remember, prevention is critical. After resolving the issue, secure your device and practice good security habits to prevent future hacks.

Additional Resources

AVG is a trusted name in cybersecurity. Their Android antivirus app offers robust protection against viruses, malware, and spyware and can help secure your device.

AVG Free Antivirus for Andriod

Malwarebytes is a reputable antivirus app that provides real-time protection against malware, ransomware, and other online threats. It’s a valuable tool for identifying and removing malicious software.

Malwarebytes Mobile Security: Antivirus & VPN for Andriod

Google Play Protect is a built-in security feature on Android devices that scans and verifies apps from the Play Store and can help detect harmful apps on your phone.

Google Play Protect


By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to reclaiming control of your hacked Android phone and ensuring its security. Remember to stay vigilant and take precautionary measures to protect your device.

Questions and Answers

Q: How can I tell if my Android phone has been hacked?

A: Look out for signs like unusual battery drain, unexpected data usage, sluggish performance, and unfamiliar apps or settings changes.

Q: Can I fix a hacked Android phone on my own?

A: Yes, you can follow the steps outlined in this guide to fix a hacked Android phone.

Q: Do I need antivirus software for my Android phone?

A: While it’s not mandatory, using antivirus software can add an extra layer of security and help detect and prevent hacks.

Q: What should I do if the hack persists after following these steps?

A: If the hack persists, consider performing a factory reset after backing up your important data.

About Mike Greco MBA

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Mike Greco MBA is a business, finance, and technology website.

Learn more about site founder Mike Greco and his recent eBook – The Debt Free Journey.

Mike is an AI enthusiast and publisher of AI Insights, a LinkedIn Newsletter.

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