How to Use WordPress Forms Lite on a Website?

WPFORM WordPress Form Builder

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Now that you have learned How to Publish a WordPress Site, it is time to set up your contact forms. Creating a functional and engaging website is crucial in establishing your online presence. One powerful tool at your disposal is WordPress Forms Lite, which enables you to integrate forms effortlessly into your site. 

Whether gathering user feedback, conducting surveys, or managing contact information, this user-friendly plugin streamlines the process. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to effectively use WordPress Forms on your website, ensuring seamless communication with your audience.

4 Steps to Using WordPress Forms Lite on a Website

Getting Started with WordPress Forms Lite

Navigate to your WordPress dashboard and click “Plugins” in the sidebar. Select “Add New,” then search for “WordPress Forms Lite” or “wpforms” in the search bar. Install and activate the plugin. Once activated, a new menu item labeled “Forms” will appear in your dashboard.

Contact Form Plugin by wpforms - WordPress Forms Lite

Creating Your First Form

Click “WPForms” from your WordPress Dashboard and “Add New” to build your form. Give it a descriptive title and choose a template that best suits your purpose. WordPress Forms offers a variety of pre-designed templates, making it easy to get started. You can customize your form by adding or removing fields, rearranging their order, and adjusting their settings to match your needs.

Wordpress Forms Lite Add New Form

Embedding the Form on Your Website

Once your form is ready, it’s time to embed it on your website. Click “Publish” to save your form. You’ll then receive a shortcode. Copy this code and paste it into the page or post where you want your form to appear. Alternatively, you can use the “Add Form” button directly in the post/page editor to select and insert your form.

Below, you can find the shortcode on your list of forms. Add a shortcode block to your page and paste this code.

Shortcode for wpforms

Customizing Form Notification

It’s essential to stay in the loop when someone submits a form on your website. WordPress Forms lets you set up email notifications for new form entries. Go to your form editor, navigate to “Settings“> “Notification,” and enter the email address where you want to receive notifications. You want to enter your email address in the “Send to Email Address” field and “Enable Notifications.” You can also customize the subject line and message content.

In my example below, I have enabled the notifications and am having my form submissions sent to the [email protected] mailbox.

WordPress Forms “Lite vs Pro”

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The Lite and Pro versions of WordPress Forms refer to different tiers or editions of the plugin, each offering varying features and capabilities. Here are the key differences between WordPress Forms Lite and WordPress Forms Pro:

Features and Functionality:

  • Lite: The Lite version typically offers basic form-building capabilities, allowing users to create and embed forms on their websites. It may limit the fields, templates, and customization options available.
  • Pro: The Pro version, on the other hand, is a more advanced version of the plugin. It usually comes with a broader range of features, such as advanced form fields, payment integration, email marketing integrations, conditional logic, multi-page forms, and more. Pro versions often have additional integrations with third-party tools and services.

Templates and Designs:

  • Lite: Lite versions may have a limited selection of form templates or designs, offering basic options for creating standard forms.
  • Pro: Pro versions often come with a more extensive library of professionally designed templates that cater to various purposes and industries. This allows for more visually appealing and customized forms.

Integration and Add-Ons:

  • Lite: The Lite version may have limited or no integration capabilities with third-party services or tools. It might not easily sync with email marketing platforms, CRM systems, payment gateways, or other external applications.
  • Pro: The Pro version often offers various integrations and add-ons. This can include seamless connections with popular tools like MailChimp, PayPal, Google Sheets, CRM systems, etc.

Conditional Logic:

  • Lite: Conditional logic, which allows form fields to change dynamically based on user input, may be limited or unavailable in the Lite version.
  • Pro: The Pro version often includes advanced conditional logic features, enabling you to create dynamic and interactive forms that adapt to user responses.

Support and Updates:

  • Lite: Lite versions may have limited or community-based support and may not receive regular updates or enhancements.
  • Pro: With the Pro version, users often get priority support from the plugin developers. Pro versions usually receive regular updates with new features, security patches, and performance improvements.

Pricing and Licensing:

  • Lite: Lite versions are typically free, making them accessible to many users.
  • Pro: The Pro version usually comes with a cost associated with it. Depending on the plugin developer’s pricing structure, this cost may be a one-time or subscription purchase.

Ultimately, the choice between WordPress Forms Lite and WordPress Forms Pro depends on your specific needs and the level of functionality you require for your website forms. Investing in the Pro version may be worthwhile if you need advanced features and capabilities. However, for simpler forms and basic requirements, the Lite version might suffice.

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Additional Resources

WordPress Forms Lite Documentation Page

WordPress Forms Lite Facebook Group

Developers Page

WPForms Overview Youtube Video Below


With WordPress Forms Lite, integrating forms into your website has always been challenging. This plugin simplifies the entire process, from creating and customizing forms to embedding them seamlessly. Enhance user engagement, collect valuable data, and effortlessly streamline communication with your audience. Get started today and revolutionize your website’s interaction capabilities!

Questions and Answers

Q: How do I install WordPress Forms Lite on my website?

A: To install WordPress Forms Lite, log in to your WordPress dashboard, go to “Plugins”> “Add New,” search for “WordPress Forms Lite,” and click “Install” and then “Activate.”

Q: Can I customize the fields in my form?

A: Yes, you can easily customize the fields in your form by clicking on the form editor and using the drag-and-drop interface to add, remove, or rearrange fields.

Q: How do I receive notifications when someone submits a form?

A: In the form editor, navigate to “Settings”> “Notification,” and enter the email address where you want to receive notifications. Customize the subject line and message content as desired.

About Mike Greco MBA

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Mike Greco MBA is a business, finance, and technology website.

Learn more about site founder Mike Greco and his recent eBook – The Debt Free Journey.

Mike is an AI enthusiast and publisher of AI Insights, a LinkedIn Newsletter.

Contact Mike using the form below.