How to Uninstall WordPress from the cPanel?

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If you want to remove WordPress from your cPanel, you’re in the right place. Whether switching to a different platform or starting fresh, this guide will walk you through the process. Uninstalling WordPress from cPanel is straightforward, but following the correct steps is essential to avoid any potential hiccups. I’ll provide easy-to-follow instructions in this guide and suggest credible sources for additional information.

5 Steps to Uninstalling WordPress from the Cpanel

1. Backup Your Website

Before you start the uninstallation process, it’s crucial to back up your website. This ensures you have a copy of all your files and data in case anything goes wrong during the uninstallation process. For a detailed guide on backing up your WordPress site, visit’s Backup Documentation.

2. Access Your cPanel

Log in to your hosting account and navigate to the cPanel dashboard. If you need help accessing your cPanel, this guide provides detailed instructions for various hosting providers.

For more great information about the cPanel and how to access it, check out this article, “What is: cPanel.” I use Bluehost, and accessing the cPanel from the Advanced tab is straightforward.

3. Navigate to the File Manager

Once you’re in cPanel, locate the File Manager icon. Click on it to open the file management interface.

4. Locate WordPress Files

In the File Manager, navigate to the directory where your WordPress installation is located. This is usually in the “public_html” folder if you have a single website. If you have multiple websites, select the appropriate directory.

Suppose you need help determining which files are related to WordPress or to delete. Here are some tips for files related to WordPress:

Core WordPress Files: The essential files comprise the WordPress platform. They include files like wp-config.phpwp-admin/wp-includes/, and other files in the root directory.

Themes: The themes you have installed for your WordPress site are stored in the wp-content/themes/ directory.

Plugins: Plugins add functionality to your WordPress site. They are stored in the wp-content/plugins/ directory.

Media Files: This includes all your uploaded images, videos, and other media files. They are stored in the wp-content/uploads/ directory.

Database: While not a file per se, the WordPress database is a critical component. It contains all the content, settings, and configurations of your site. This is typically managed through tools like phpMyAdmin in cPanel.

Customizations: Any custom code or modifications you’ve made to your theme or plugins will be stored in their respective directories.

Configuration Files include wp-config.php (which contains database connection information and other settings) and .htaccess (used for configuring the server).

Additional Files: Depending on your specific setup, other files or folders might be associated with your WordPress installation.

When uninstalling WordPress, it’s essential to be careful and only delete files and directories directly related to WordPress. Avoid deleting any system files or folders necessary for your hosting environment to function correctly. Always back up your site before making any significant changes.

5. Delete WordPress Files

Select all the files and folders related to your WordPress installation. Right-click and choose “Delete.” Confirm the action if prompted. Make sure you do not delete any files or folders unrelated to WordPress.

Additional Resources

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cPanel Documentation

cPanel Common Questions

File Manager Tutorial on YouTube


Congratulations! You’ve successfully uninstalled WordPress from your cPanel. Remember, always back up your data before making significant changes to your website. If you encounter any issues during the process, consult your hosting provider’s support or refer to relevant forums for assistance. You can refer to this guide for more in-depth information on WordPress uninstallation.

Questions and Answers

Q: Can I reinstall WordPress after uninstalling it from cPanel?

A: Yes, you can reinstall WordPress at any time. Follow the standard installation process provided by your hosting provider.

Q: Will uninstalling WordPress delete my content?

A: Yes, uninstalling WordPress will remove all files associated with your website, including content, themes, and plugins. Make sure to back up your data before proceeding.

Q: Are there any alternatives to cPanel for managing WordPress?

A: Yes, alternative hosting panels like Plesk and DirectAdmin can be used to manage WordPress installations.

About Mike Greco MBA

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Mike Greco MBA is a business, finance, and technology website.

Learn more about site founder Mike Greco and his recent eBook – The Debt Free Journey.

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