Remote Closing Jobs: How to Qualify and Thrive in the Role


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In this post, I’ll explore the role of a remote closer and what remote closing is. As our world becomes increasingly digital, the demand for remote workers has skyrocketed. A remote closer is a professional responsible for finalizing deals, contracts, or sales transactions, often in industries like real estate, finance, and technology. What sets them apart is that they perform these duties from a location separate from the client or company.

What is a Remote Closing Job?

A remote closer is a sales professional who remotely closes deals and transactions, often from a home office. Their primary responsibility is to close deals and secure sales by communicating with clients and prospects through various digital channels, such as phone, email, and video conferencing. Remote closers may work independently or as part of a team, collaborating with colleagues to negotiate terms and finalize contracts. They are typically highly skilled communicators and negotiators with a deep understanding of sales principles and techniques.

Qualifying for a Remote Closer Job

Qualifying for a remote closer position requires specific skills and qualifications. Strong communication skills, as are negotiation abilities and familiarity with relevant industry regulations, are paramount. Additionally, certifications or training programs may be available to enhance your qualifications and make you a more competitive candidate.

Remote Closing Academy and Training

Recently, Closer Babes made the news in the remote closing space. It is a sales training and coaching company that aims to transform women’s lives worldwide. Their website proudly proclaims: “Be Your Own Boss; Work From Anywhere, Anytime!” and offers FREE training.

Closer Babes offers coaching, video courses, and services, equipping individuals with essential skills and unwavering confidence for success in high-ticket sales.

If you’re interested in becoming a remote closer, you can find more information on how to become one and the salary information on

Jobs for Remote Closing Positions

Roles within a remote closer can vary widely, encompassing positions like real estate closing agents, sales representatives, and contract negotiators. These individuals play a crucial role in finalizing important agreements and transactions. The industries that require the services of remote closers are diverse, ranging from real estate and finance to software development and consulting.

If you’re seeking a remote closer job, I searched LinkedIn and found over 594 results.

Remote Closer Pay Estimate

The pay range for remote closers in the United States varies depending on experience, location, and industry. However, the average salary for a remote closer is $60,000 per year. Some remote closers earn more than $100,000 yearly, while others earn less than $40,000 annually. The best way to find out what you can expect to make as a remote closer is to research specific job postings and talk to recruiters.

Typical Day of a Remote Closer

As a Remote Closer, you’ll get 3 to 10 warm inbound leads on your calendar daily. The offers/products range from $4k to even $40k, depending on the industry, with the typical commission amount being 10%. That means you can earn anywhere from $400 to $4,000 per sale, depending on the price point of the offer you’re selling.

The standard target for closers is a 20% close ratio. This is often called a minimum KPI (Key Performance Indicator). Skilled remote closers can close anywhere from 40% to 70% of their leads.

Additional Information about Remote Closers


In conclusion, remote closers are vital in today’s professional landscape. Their ability to effectively close deals from a remote location makes them invaluable to industries ranging from real estate to finance and beyond. If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a remote closer, honing your communication and negotiation skills and considering relevant certifications can significantly enhance your prospects.

Questions and Answers

Q1: How can I improve my negotiation skills for a remote closer role?

A1: Consider taking negotiation workshops or courses and practice negotiating in various scenarios.

Q2: Are there any specific certifications to help me qualify for a remote closer job?

A2: Yes, certifications are available in real estate closing, contract negotiation, and sales techniques that can enhance your qualifications.

Q3: What industries are most likely to hire remote closers?

A3: Industries like real estate, finance, technology, and consulting often require the services of remote closers. I have even found a remote notary closer position.

Q4: Is it hard to be a remote closer?

A4: Becoming a remote closer requires a deep understanding of sales principles and techniques and excellent communication and negotiation skills. While it may be challenging to develop these skills, with the proper training and experience, you can become a successful remote closer.

Q5: How much does remote closing make?

A5: According to, the average salary for a remote closer is $80,824 per year. However, the salary can vary depending on the candidate’s experience in their niche.

Q6: Do remote closers make a lot?

A6: The salary of a remote closer is above average compared to other professions. However, it is essential to note that the salary can vary depending on the candidate’s experience in their niche. 

Q7: How do you become a closer?

A7: To become closer, you must have excellent communication and negotiation skills. You can start by gaining experience in sales and learning about sales principles and techniques. Take courses or attend workshops to improve your skills. Also, apply for a closer position once you have gained enough experience and knowledge.

About Mike Greco MBA

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Mike Greco MBA is a business, finance, and technology website.

Learn more about site founder Mike Greco and his recent eBook – The Debt Free Journey.

Mike is an AI enthusiast and publisher of AI Insights, a LinkedIn Newsletter.

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