The VA Home Loan Timeline: A Guide To A Successful Homebuying Journey

VA Home Loan

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If you’re a veteran exploring the possibility of homeownership, a VA Home Loan could be an excellent option. Understanding the VA Home Loan timeline is crucial for a smooth, stress-free experience. 

In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the process, from application to closing, providing valuable insights into what you can expect at each stage.

VA Home Loan Application Process

The journey begins with the application process, where you’ll need to gather essential documents, such as your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) and proof of income. The VA makes it easy to request a COE online at The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) ensures a quick turnaround for eligible veterans. For detailed information on eligibility criteria and required documentation, visit the VA’s Home Loan official website or download the VA Buyers Guide.

Approval and Funding

Approval typically takes a few weeks once your application is submitted through your lender. VA Home Loans often have more lenient credit score requirements than traditional loans. Upon approval, your lender will guide you through the funding process. The VA doesn’t issue loans directly but guarantees a portion of the loan, making it more attractive to lenders. For a comprehensive guide on the funding process, check LendingTree.

VA Home Loan Rates

VA Home Loan Mortgage

As of this post, the 30-year VA mortgage rate is 6.67%. I recommend visiting Mortgage News Daily to find and compare the latest rates against other products.

It is usually possible to pay the bank a point or two of the sales price to lower the rate even further.

For example, if your loan amount is $270,000, and you pay one point to the bank, this would be $2,700 in origination costs and can significantly lower your overall interest rate.

VA Home Loan Mortgage Rates

Home Search and Offer

With funding secured, you can start the exciting journey of finding your dream home. Real estate experts recommend working with a VA-knowledgeable real estate agent who understands the specific needs of veterans. Once you’ve found the perfect home, make an offer and negotiate the terms. For tips on making a solid offer, explore

Inspection and Appraisal

After your offer is accepted, the home will be inspected to identify potential issues. Simultaneously, a VA-approved appraiser assesses the property’s value. Understanding the significance of a satisfactory appraisal is crucial, as it influences your loan amount. Lending Tree has an excellent article highlighting what to expect with a VA loan appraisal vs. conventional loan appraisal.

Below are two issues that come up often on a VA appraisal and/or termite inspection that could impact your VA Home Loan Timeline:

Defective Paint

Defective paint can be minor, such as paint chips or peeling, but the VA will require it to be corrected before loan approval, which can be a surprise and delay closing.

When I purchased a home using the VA Home Loan, the VA appraiser’s report noted some minor paint and termite issues, and the Seller had to do the touch-up painting and a termite treatment before the financing was approved.

Termite Damages

If any sign of termites is discovered during the inspection, such as frass, termite treatment and repairs will be necessary before closing. The treatment can be using a special foam or insecticide and patching wood damage with a wood filler to prevent further damage.


The final step in the VA Home Loan is the closing process. This involves signing the necessary paperwork, and once completed, you officially become a homeowner. Be prepared for any closing costs, although some can be negotiated. Review this article at Lending Tree to familiarize yourself with the closing process.


Navigating the VA Home Loan may seem complicated, but it can be smooth with the correct information and support. Understanding each step is crucial for a successful homebuying experience from application to closing. Remember, many reputable lenders offer VA Home Loan programs; consider exploring options from USAA and Navy Federal Credit Union.

Question and Answer Section

Q: Can I use my VA Home Loan benefit more than once?

A: Yes, in most cases, you can use your VA Home Loan benefit multiple times if you meet the eligibility criteria and have stayed within your entitlement.

Q: Are there any disadvantages to VA Home Loans?

A: VA Home Loans offer numerous advantages but may come with funding fees and property requirements. It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons based on your circumstances.

Q: How long does the VA loan approval process take?

A: The VA loan approval process typically takes a few weeks, but this can vary depending on factors such as the lender’s workload and the completeness of your documentation.

Q: Can I use a VA Home Loan to buy a second home?

A: Generally, VA Home Loans are intended for primary residences, but under certain circumstances, they may be used to purchase a second home. Consult with your lender for specific details.

Q: What are the key benefits of a VA Home Loan?

A: VA Home Loans often feature lower interest rates, no down payment requirements, and more lenient credit score criteria, making homeownership more accessible for veterans.

About Mike Greco MBA

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Mike Greco MBA is a business, finance, and technology website.

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