Which CSS Property Controls Text Size?


When designing a website, one of the most crucial aspects is controlling the size of your text. This ensures that your content is not only visually appealing but also easily readable for your visitors. In the world of web development, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is the go-to language for styling websites. But which CSS property controls the text size? 

In this article, I’ll delve into this essential aspect of web design, covering the latest techniques and properties, along with providing additional resources for further learning.

Understanding the CSS Property for Font Size

The CSS property determining the text size is aptly named ‘font-size.’ It allows developers to specify the size of text elements in various units such as pixels (px), em units, percentages (%), and more. 

For example, using ‘font-size: 16px;’ will set the text size to 16 pixels.

It’s important to note that relative units like em and percentages allow for more flexible and responsive designs, adapting to different screen sizes and user preferences.

How To Customize WordPress Font Size with Custom CSS

When developing my blog, I wanted to change all the font sizes for paragraph text to larger.

I could do this manually, but it was time-consuming.

Instead, I used the Additional CSS feature on my WordPress theme.

Adding the Additional CSS code for Font-Size to my theme instantly increased all the paragraph text to my specification, which was 20px. 

Additionally, I wanted the Font-Weight of all my H2 headings, to default to bold.

Before adding this code, I had to change all the H2 headings manually.

This simple code saved me a ton of time in editing.

Finally, I needed to ensure all my ordered and unordered lists were updated to 20px. 

I added an additional eight lines of CSS code to make this happen.

To the right is a screen capture of the added code to my WordPress theme’s “Additional CSS” feature. I use the Soft Blog theme.

You also notice I updated the sizes of my ordered (ol) and unordered (ul) lists to 20px on lines 7 and 8.

This code applied to my entire site and was updated instantly.

Latest and Greatest Techniques

With the ever-evolving landscape of web development, it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest techniques for text sizing. One such technique is the use of ‘rem’ units, which stands for “root em.” This unit is relative to the root element (usually the <html> tag) and provides a consistent sizing reference, making it easier to maintain a uniform text size throughout the website.

Another technique is using viewport units (vw and vh) which are based on the viewport dimensions. This allows text to be sized relative to the user’s screen size, creating a more responsive and dynamic user experience.

Other Essential Text Properties

While ‘font-size’ is key to controlling text size, it’s not the only property that affects how text appears on a webpage. Other properties like ‘font-family’, ‘font-weight’, ‘line-height’, and ‘letter-spacing’ play crucial roles in defining the overall typography and appearance of text on your website.

If you wanted to change all the font family on your entire site at once, you would use the same technique above but add an additional line of code for the desired font family.

Below is an example of the CSS code to change the font family for the paragraph (p) text.

p{font-family: “Gill Sans Extrabold”, sans-serif;}

Additional Resources

For more in-depth information on CSS properties and text styling, consider checking out the following resources:

Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) – CSS font-size Property

W3Schools – CSS Units

CSS Tricks – A Complete Guide to Flexbox


Adjusting the size of text is a crucial element in web design, and achieving the desired visual impact is dependent on the ‘font-size’ CSS property. By utilizing techniques such as ‘rem’ units and viewport units, in addition to considering other text properties, you can create a more captivating and user-friendly website. Keep your curiosity alive, continue to learn, and don’t hesitate to seek out additional resources to enhance your web development abilities!

Question and Answers

Q1: How do I change the text size of a specific element in WordPress?

A1: In WordPress, you can use custom CSS by navigating to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and applying the ‘font-size’ property to the desired element.

Q2: Can I use different units for text sizing in CSS?

A2: Yes, CSS provides various units like pixels (px), em units, percentages (%), viewport units (vw and vh), and more for flexible text sizing.

Q3: What is the difference between ‘rem’ and ’em’ units for text sizing?

A3: While both ‘rem’ and ’em’ are relative units, ’em’ is based on the font size of the parent element, whereas ‘rem’ is relative to the root element, providing a more consistent sizing reference.

About Mike Greco MBA

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Mike Greco MBA is a business, finance, and technology website.

Learn more about site founder Mike Greco and his recent eBook – The Debt Free Journey.

Mike is an AI enthusiast and publisher of AI Insights, a LinkedIn Newsletter.

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